Thursday, January 26, 2006

Jack Rabbit Vibrator and Evolution

A snippet from Arianna Huffington’s website about evolution vs. creationism in the bedroom. Today’s New York Times reports on a new book called "The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution," by Dr. Elisabeth A. Lloyd. Her thesis is that the female orgasm is not necessary for reproduction, and thus is not an evolutionary adaptation.

Wouldn’t it be delicious if the female orgasm were the thing that tips the scales in favor of the Intelligent Design crowd? It would make for a great closing argument: "The female orgasm is so complex and strange, it could only have come from God. The reason there is no evolutionary purpose to it is because there is no evolution! God is in the details... and the bedroom. Who needs Darwin when you have the Bible -- and the Jack Rabbit Vibrator. Case closed. Amen."

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